Liquidity events refer to specific circumstances where equity shareholders can sell their shares for cash.

Table: These are the quick understanding on the main ways investors and founders can exit a company.

Note: The actual exit process can be very complicated depending on the approach and the existing terms. It is going to be more complicated than investments.

Popular Pathways Quick Understanding
Initial Public Offering (IPO) Ventures go public by selling most private shares in the public stock exchange market.
Merger & Acquisition Strategic - Sale of the venture to another company while most shareholders cash out. Founders may need to stay to serve post-acquisition to oversee the integration process before being relieved from their original role.
Acquihire - Acquisition that targets specifically certain key talents in the ventures. Acquired talents get a new role in the new company and get compensated. The business of the original venture usually halts.
Secondary Sale Founders or shareholder sell their shares to other shareholders or within a secondary market
Liquidation Selling company assets to pay off creditors, and remaining proceeds are paid to back shareholders.
Buyback The company buys back the shares owned by the founders.
Redemption Investors may sometimes force the sale of their shares back to the company or there is an agreed upon redemption based on specific conditions to withdraw their investment at a pre-agreed price and terms.